I hope one day I can serve as a missionary and pray every day for God to fulfill the desires of my heart. > Photo Focus

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Photo Focus

I hope one day I can serve as a missionary and pray every day for God …

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최고관리자 작성일19-09-12 19:58 조회224회 댓글0건


지구 반대편 Honduras(온두라스) 에서 한국인 선교사가 세운 학교에서 13년간 공부를 하고 이젠 출신학교 교사로 섬기고 는 Maryuri Zeledon 자매.

이러한 인재를 길러낸 선교사는 얼마나 행복할까?

선교사로 나가는 것이 소망인 이 자매처럼 세계 방방곳곳에서 수고하는 선교사들의 제자들도 다양한 분야에서의 차세대 지도자들이 나왔으면 좋겠다.

My name is Maryuri Zeledón I am 20 years old and I live in Honduras. I serve as a teacher at the Hosanna School in Marañon, where I was a student for 13 years and now a teacher.


This school was founded in 1999 by missionary Kim, directed by missionary Myung Ha Park of the Korean association in Honduras. Our school offers an education attached to Christian principles.


I like to serve others and I am happily when I see people's faces when I talk to them about Jesus.


I hope one day I can serve as a missionary and pray every day for God to fulfill the desires of my heart. I always encourage children and young people to believe that their dreams can come true when God is with us.

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