We are living in the last days, in the ending days > Photo Focus

메인페이지로 가기  최종 기사편집 : 2024-02-04 23:59:31
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Photo Focus / 기자수첩

We are living in the last days, in the ending days

페이지 정보

johnkim 작성일21-06-09 00:16 조회323회 댓글0건


Dear Sir, 

We are living in the last days, in the ending days. Let us support families suffering from corona diseases in such difficult situations. Let's give a helping hand to those who are starving and their Circumstances.

Dear Sir, Please remember in your dinning table this corona time.    

Many are poor pastors whose families are starving.  There have been no Sunday prayers for almost two months The churches are all closed since from two months, The cause is the corona virus, so many pastor's and people died with virus. Please see the  your love and care in times of danger, generously help the poor people and pastors here. Please provide rice bags and vegetables.

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