Pastor Joshua John(Gloryfield Foundation Pakistan) Please Pray for Karachi and People of Sindh its heavy Raining Many Families have been affected, houses have been Damaged, there has been a loss of health and finance for a lots of People > Photo Focus

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Photo Focus

Pastor Joshua John(Gloryfield Foundation Pakistan) Please Pray for Ka…

페이지 정보

johnkim 작성일22-07-26 17:50 조회775회 댓글0건


Please Pray for Karachi and People of Sindh its heavy Raining Many Families have been affected, houses have been Damaged, there has been a loss of health and finance for a lots of People. Please Pray for the Safety of all People. And Please Pray for the Needy, so that the Lord may keep them safe and provide for their Needs. God bless you! Amen.

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