Deena Pastor Ratnam Praise the Lord. How are you ? How is your blessed family's ? We reached the my home 6: 30 pm from Visakhapatnam. T > Photo Focus

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Deena Pastor Ratnam Praise the Lord. How are you ? How is your bless…

작성일 22-06-20 11:33


Deena Pastor Ratnam

Praise the Lord. How are you ? How is  your blessed family's ? We reached the my home 6: 30 pm from Visakhapatnam. Then I was back Rachapalli Village. Now in thanksgiving prayer at Village of Rachapalli D. Sathish house. Because, 18. 6. 2022 .D. Sathish, daughter's marriage, then he had earlier arranged a prayer of thanksgiving that this marriage should take place gradually, without hesitation. Please Pray for this marriage.

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등록일 : 2019. 09. 09 | 발행인 문영용 : 편집인 김희범 |
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